Sunday, December 21, 2014

Merry Christmas from the Filbin Files

I have just posted my Christmas special...a twinkling Christmas Tree built in the Direwolf20 modpack.

Also, I'd like to share the ComputerCraft code used in the build:

i = 0
while i < 900 do
rand = math.random(1,4)
if rand==1 then
redstone.setOutput("left", true)
if rand==2 then
redstone.setOutput("back", true)
if rand==3 then
redstone.setOutput("right", true)
if rand==4 then
redstone.setOutput("top", true)
i = i + 1
redstone.setOutput("left", false)
redstone.setOutput("back", false)
redstone.setOutput("right", false)
redstone.setOutput("top", false)

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Thaumcraft research notes in Direwolf 20

Episode #8 of the Direwolf20 series is going to be out shortly. In the end of it, I briefly discuss how I intend to work on the Thaumcraft Research Notes without recording it, mostly because I don't think anyone wants to see 50 episodes of me going "I wonder if this will work...nope...hrm.."

So, here is the start of my solutions to the research notes. These are my solutions, there are many like them (maybe even more efficient) but these are mine...

 Bone Bow
 Copper Wand Caps
 Gold Wand Caps
 Greatwood Wand Core
 Magical Metallurgy
 Magic Tallow
 Research Expertise
 Transvector Interface
 Wand Foci

More to come, stay tuned to this blog!

More Direwolf20 modpac stuff

I have been a bit remiss in updating the blog with my Minecraft activities, it's hard enough to get this updated, record videos, do my job and still have family time. So let's do this...

Episode #5 shows my work on a Tree Farm using Steve's Carts 2. Probably not the most efficient system, but it works, and I think it looks kinda cool.

Next, Episode #6 shows off some work on Storage using Steve's Factory Manager. I like the system as the process flows just make sense to me. I know I could just work towards an AE systems, but SFM seems easier to set up in the early game, and it makes me think a bit about what I want to do, and using your brain is a good thing.

Finally, in Episode #7, I compare the mining abilities of the Buildcraft mining well, Buildcraft quarry and the Computercraft mining turtle.

For some reason, Blogger can't find the video, so I'll just throw the link down here:

Let me know what you think.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

DireWolf20 #4

For my fourth episode, I realize I have a quick way of digging into those meteors using the mining turtle from Computercraft. In the process of that, I find something interesting inside the meteor, so I go on a quest to find more meteors.

I also find some interesting villages just waiting to be exploited.

DireWolf20 #3

Continuing my "let's play" of the DireWolf20 modpack, I work on some very simple Buildcraft stuff, which helps me a little further down the achievement path.

Hope you enjoy!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

DireWolf20 #2

My next"let's play" of the latest DireWolf20 modpack from Feed the Beast is done.

In this episode, I die, build bridges and stairs with the mining turtle, find a giant tree (aka future tree fort) and contemplate an experiment involving creepers.

The downStair program I use was downloaded from user Chaos_Therum:

I need to get a post out showing how I downloaded the turtle script I used, but it will have to wait till I get back from my trip. I'm off to run The Avengers Half Marathon.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

DireWolf20 #1

Hi All,
I started another series on YouTube, and it will also mark the start of this blog! yay!!

I'm playing the new DireWolf20 modpack from Feed The Beast. It's got a lot of mods in it that I want to explore, and I'm planning on working my way through all the achievements listed in the game as well.

In this episode, I look around my starting point, start gathering resources, and start with some very simple mining turtle stuff from the computercraft mod.