Thursday, November 20, 2014

DireWolf20 #4

For my fourth episode, I realize I have a quick way of digging into those meteors using the mining turtle from Computercraft. In the process of that, I find something interesting inside the meteor, so I go on a quest to find more meteors.

I also find some interesting villages just waiting to be exploited.

DireWolf20 #3

Continuing my "let's play" of the DireWolf20 modpack, I work on some very simple Buildcraft stuff, which helps me a little further down the achievement path.

Hope you enjoy!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

DireWolf20 #2

My next"let's play" of the latest DireWolf20 modpack from Feed the Beast is done.

In this episode, I die, build bridges and stairs with the mining turtle, find a giant tree (aka future tree fort) and contemplate an experiment involving creepers.

The downStair program I use was downloaded from user Chaos_Therum:

I need to get a post out showing how I downloaded the turtle script I used, but it will have to wait till I get back from my trip. I'm off to run The Avengers Half Marathon.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

DireWolf20 #1

Hi All,
I started another series on YouTube, and it will also mark the start of this blog! yay!!

I'm playing the new DireWolf20 modpack from Feed The Beast. It's got a lot of mods in it that I want to explore, and I'm planning on working my way through all the achievements listed in the game as well.

In this episode, I look around my starting point, start gathering resources, and start with some very simple mining turtle stuff from the computercraft mod.